The Pig 豬
TAIWAN|2013 | Short, Drama| 24 mins
Directors: 陳芯宜Singing CHEN (Taiwan), 尹載皓Jero YUN (South Korean)
大旺 黃大旺 Dawang Dawang Yingfan HUANG
阿毛 辜容高 A Mao KU Junh Kao
旺媽 張百惠 Dawang’mother CHANG Pai Huei
黑松 葉必立 Hey Song YEH Pi Li
說書人 朱約信(豬頭皮) Storyteller CHU Yueh hsin(pigheadskin)
2014 台北電影節最佳短片競賽
Taipei Film Festival, in competition
2014 日本亞洲短片影展 ”亞洲與日本單元” 競賽單元,最佳女主角
Short Shorts Film Festival & Asia, in Asia international competition,
”Best Actress” award
2013 法國坎城影展導演雙週單元開幕特別放映(台北工廠)
Cannes Film Festival (France) Director's Fortnight
2013 高雄電影節國際短片競賽優選獎
Kaohsiung International Short Film Festival, in competition, “Best selection”
A sacrificed pig, a newly homeless family, and a city longing for rain. With
compassion and prayer, they try to survive.
Director's Statement:
This story is about abandoned people, abandoned community, abandoned lifestyle, abandoned rituals, and the entirety of the abandoned treated as trash. These beings are sacrificed in the modern society, who are incapable of walking away either staying along. But they pray with purest mind for the rain like in the fable. The scenes were taken from the Huaguang Community which had been laid flat nowadays. And the images will be living as ghosts that only exists in deep memory like smokes.
這個故事是關於被棄的人、被棄的社區、被棄的生活方式、被棄的祭典…, 一切「被棄」的總和,像垃圾一樣。這些既離不開、也無法留下的人與生靈, 在現代的社會中被犧牲了,無處可去。他們用最原始純粹的心祈雨,像是一則 寓言故事。全片取景的華光社區,現已被夷為平地,這些影像如幽魂般地存在 ,只剩絲縷留存記憶深處。
Sin Wang
E-mail: ivymavis@gmail.com
Tel.: +886-2-7730-2648 ext.305