"Ca fait si longtemps" will have a public screening in Mountain Ali on Sep.13
Documentary "Ca fait si longtemps" will have a public screening in Mountain Ali. If you don't have plan on this Friday Sep.13 (Chinese Moon Festival), you should go and join this joyful event.
紀錄片【漂流遇見你】 本周五中秋節將在阿里山大草原有一場草地放映喔!!! 連假還沒安排計劃的朋友,可以考慮加入"部落餐桌節"喔!
更多資訊請至連結more info here https://www.accupass.com/event/1908161058021307096435
或搜尋 【2019部落餐桌節共享好食光】