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Dust of angels 少年吔,安啦! (2022)

TAIWAN|1992 / 2022|FEATURE

4K Remastered Version


17th Toronto International Film Festival - Prix FIPRESCI

24th Cannes Directors’ Fortnight - Closing Film

5th Tokyo International Film Festival - Young Cinema Competition

29th Chicago International Film Festival - International Feature Film Competition

11th Vancouver International Film Festival - Official Selection

29th Golden Horse Awards - Best Sound

PRESENTED BY: City Film Ltd.


Producer: Chiang Wem-Shiung, Chang Hwa-Kun

DIRECTOR: Hsu Hsiao-Ming


Jack Kao, Vicky Wei, Yan Chen-guo, Tan Chi-Gang, Chang Yi-Han, Chen Sung-yung



“Dust of Angels” is a story of the hesitancy of youth. This saga of two teenagers thrust into the dissipated grandeur of the big city, where they are forced into a bewildering adulthood, crystallizes a sense of dispossession with the backward ways of small-town Taiwan. 

1990年代初的台灣,兩名17歲的北港少年阿國(顏正國 飾演)與阿兜仔(譚至剛 飾演),鎮日流連於撞球室,在閣樓內吸食安非他命。捷哥(高捷 飾演)因老大被殺,回鄉找阿國和阿兜仔助他尋仇。仇家雖被槍殺,捷哥的夥伴神經標(林鉅 飾演)卻也中彈不治。兩名平日只會打架嗆聲的少年,初次見識喋血大受震撼,但捷哥交給他們的兩把手槍,卻也從此改變了他們的命運。


CONTACT (Only Taiwan)

Sin Wang



Activator Co., Ltd. 

TEL:+886-2-7730-2648 FAX:+886-2-2748-6891

ADD: 9F., No. 137, Sec. 4, Nanjing E. Rd., Songshan Dist., Taipei 105, Taiwan

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