Can you hear me? 講話沒有在聽
TAIWAN|2021|SHORTS, Drama|36 mins
DIRECTOR: 李念修Nien Hsiu Li
金士傑Shih Chieh King
楊貴媚 Kuei Mei Yang
竺定誼Ting Yi Chu
張詩盈 Shih Ying Chang
梁舒涵Shu Han Liang
班鐵翔Tieh Hsiang Ban
張再興Zhang Xin Chang
謝孟庭 Hsieh Meng Ting
Jhong wakes up at home and finds himself dead. He watches his wife and children dealing with his death while they speak their thoughts over breakfast. Shortly after, absurd incidents begin to happen: Jhong’s spirit starts nagging by his own corpse, the son is afraid his mother will be charged with manslaughter, the policeman who comes to help is terrified upon seeing the spirit of Jhong, and Jhong’s wife insists on taking her husband’s corpse for a walk at the riverbank. Although his wife couldn’t hear what he has to say, she comprehends what’s on his mind.
Sin Wang
E-mail: ivymavis@gmail.com
Tel.: +886-2-7730-2648 ext.305