A -Tien (2020)
TAIWAN|2020|SHORTS, Drama|20 mins
DIRECTOR: Yueh-Tzu SUN 孫悅慈
ACTORS: Shao-Hua Lung 龍劭華, Chi-Wei Cheng鄭志偉, Jaxton Lin 林紹謙
★2020 Taiwan Film Festival in Australia
★2020 Kadoma International Film Festival
★2020 Fine Cut Festival of Films
★2020 Flickers' Rhode Island International Film Festival
★2020 Burbank International Film Festival
★2020 Woods Hole Film Festival
★2020 Kaohsiung Film Festival
A freelance taxi driver “A-Tien” who always follows the taxi industry's rules can't stand a tyrannical taxi company "5-Star" which snatches customers and destroy the industry’s rules. He decides to stand up and protest with his buddies to maintain the balance of the industry.
司機阿添(龍劭華 飾)在經濟不景氣又頻頻被計程車車隊強星集團插隊搶客人,號召一群中年司機們組成一個抗議部隊,希望可以扭轉市場改善風氣。然而隨著科技進步,乘客開始選擇強星,而阿添一直在意的「業內規矩」似乎也變得不再重要,面對乘客及夥伴們的離開,阿添該怎麼做決定呢?
Sin Wang
E-mail: ivymavis@gmail.com
Tel.: +886-2-7730-2648 ext.305