"Ah!Art" live broadcast on Hong Kong Open TV
Hong Kong Open TV will live broadcast TV program"Ah!Art" from September, 2019, the program has six episodes.
AH-ART 啊! 藝術 (2017)
TAIWAN|2017|DOCUMENTARY TV|6 episodes (30 mins/per)
DIRECTOR: Hao-hsuan Hsu
PRODUCER: Lee Yen Hsun
PRESENTED BY: Music Nation Ursa Major Limited
Ep1. Auction & Art Fair「Who Decide The Value Of Art」
Who decides the beauty and the price of an artwork? Is it the art auction house, the collector, or the artist?
第一集、拍賣博覽篇:藝術的價值由誰決定? 藝術的審美與價錢倒底由誰決定,是拍賣公司?藏家?還是藝術家? 除了畫家與藏家,藝術世界裡還有應運而生的畫廊、博覽會、拍賣行等各種相關產業,看起來各自獨立,但其實互相牽動、互相影響,就像是個藝術的生態圈, 那麼在這裡面,誰是生產者,誰是消費者,又誰是分解者呢?
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Sin Wang
E-mail: ivymavis@gmail.com
Tel.: +886-2-7730-2648 ext.305