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Incantation 咒 (2022)


PRESENTED BY: Empty Shells Production ,  JHT production

EXECUTIVE PRODUCERS:  Kevin Ko (柯孟融) , Yang Hsu fen(楊旭奮)


Tsai Hsuan-Yen (蔡亘晏) / Huang Sin Ting(黃歆庭) / Sean Lin (林敬倫) / Wen Ching Yu (溫慶禹) / Kao Ying Hsuan(高英軒)


BIFAN/NAFF selection 2019. (Project promotion)
GOLDEN HOURSE project promotion 2019

Udine Far East Film Festival 2022

Neuchâtel international fantastic film festival 2022



Ruo-nan had broke religion taboo by accident 6 years ago. It caused her boyfriend and family died for no reason. She passed a dark period of superstition, and she hide these secrets and pains from people, she even gave away her new born child to other family.
After few years, she went to therapy and got back to normal life. She decided to get her child back living with her, but her daughter started to appear the curse sign she met 6 years ago.
Ruo-nan needs to confront the deepest horror for her child. She starts to record everything about the curse and try to find a way saving her child.

若男六年前曾因觸碰禁忌,導致男友跟家人因不明力量死了。當時的她度過了一段迷信的黑暗期,將這些極大的秘密與傷痛隱藏起來,甚至將出生不久的孩子送養。多年後,她透過心理治療,重回到生活的正軌,決定要把女兒朵朵接回來一起展開新生活,沒想到朵朵身上竟出現當年詛咒的跡象,走投無路的她,必須重新面對最深沉的恐懼,她開始用影記錄、拼 湊關於這個詛咒的來龍去脈,希望能留下一線生機,拯救她的孩子。



Sin Wang

Exclusive global release on NETFLIX
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